Friday, February 12, 2010

推荐的一款超赞的原型设计工具-Balsamiq Mockups

最近做一个project需要设计GUI,为了在组里面讨论的时候有比较直观的演示,要找一个做界面原型的软件。上网google了一下,发现很多人头推荐“Balsamiq Mockups”,而它的设计风格也的确是让我让我眼前一亮!迫不急待,进行了一翻在线试用,真的是很赞。







   1. 操作方面:拖拽,控件分组,甚至元素之间的对齐都做得很到位;
   2. 预制了六十多个界面元素,从简单的输入框,下拉框,到经常用得到的导航条,日历,表格,到复杂的Tag Cloud,Cover Flow, 地图,WYSWYG的格式工具栏等,有了这些不用从头画起,其实比用白板都快;
   3. 界面元素的修改很简单,比如导航条的几个标签页的label,就是用逗号分隔的文字,下拉框的选项就是分行的文字;
   4. 使用xml语言来记录和保存界面元素和布局,从而使其能够快速的导入到你所需的任何一个项目中,或其他工具中。
   5. 可以将设计导出成PNG格式的图片;
   6. 随着使用的熟练,快捷键便派上用场,超过一半的元素均有快捷方式,这更有助于原型的快速构造,几乎几分钟便可实现一个满意的而复杂的原型设计;
   7. 跨平台,Balsamiq Mokups是用Flex和Air实现的,所以在Mac OS, Linux和Windows下都能使用;
   8. 不仅仅有桌面版本,还有能集成在Confluence,JIRA,和XWiki中的版本,使得异地在线协作更方便有效;

可惜这么好的软件不是免费的,价格还不便宜,要79美刀。非注册版本不能保存和导出为图片,而且还会不定时的跳出提示框。不过作者算是比较大方的,主页上有提到了多种免费获取 key 的方法,其一就是写一篇 blog 推荐这款软件。嘿嘿,终于暴露目的了…… 不过这么好的软件,不推荐一下也实在说不过去。

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Recover from a frozen system with the magic SysRq key (zz)

What is The magic SysRq key ?

The magic SysRq is a key combination understood by the Linux kernel, which allows the user to perform various low level commands regardless of the system's state. It is often used to recover from freezes, or to reboot a computer without corrupting the filesystem.
How to use the magic SysRq to recover from a frozen system ?

If you see that using Ctrl+Alt+Backspace does nothing, then is the time to use The magic SysRq key.

1. Hold down the Alt and SysRq (Print Screen) keys.
2. While holding those down, type the following in order. Nothing will appear to happen until the last letter is pressed: REISUB
3. Watch your computer reboot magically.

To remember the word REISUB the mnemonic is "Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring", "Reboot Even If System Utterly Broken" or simply remembering the word "BUSIER" .

The magic SysRq to recover is advised to be used for emergencies only, for example when the system absolutely locks up and freeze This is not to be used on potentially still busy machines which are still writing stuff to disk for example or on machines that could still do a proper shutdown if you only were patient enough to wait. This is only for systems which have already died a horrible death.
Activate The magic SysRq key in Ubuntu/Debian/CentOS/RHEL/Fedora
If you are using Ubuntu,Debian you can not use The magic SysRq key because it is desactivated by default.
If you want to activate it, you have to edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf :

vi /etc/sysctl.conf
and then add this line :
kernel.sysrq = 1

save and close

 If you are using Fedora /CentOS/ Redhat, edit the file /etc/sysctl.config and change the value of kernel.sysrq to 1
# Controls the System Request debugging functionality of the kernel
# kernel.sysrq = 1

and is done.