I have bought HP Touchpad for more than 1 year, but I only use it in the first one month after bought it. Last week when I read the news about HP released Open WebOS 1.0, I suddently come out the idea to load my TouchPad with Android CM9 (since CM10 is not very usable at moment).
Reference Instruction Page: http://liliputing.com/2012/01/how-to-install-android-4-0-on-the-hp-touchpad-cyanogenmod-9-alpha.html
1. Download all necessary files
* ACMEInstaller3 : http://goo.im/devs/jcsullins/cmtouchpad/tools
* moboot_0.3.5.zip : http://code.google.com/p/moboot/downloads/list
* UniversalNovacomInstaller-1.3.jar : https://code.google.com/p/universal-novacom-installer/downloads/list
* gapps-ics-20120429-signed.zip : http://goo.im/gapps/
* cm-9-20121007-NIGHTLY-tenderloin.zip : http://download.cyanogenmod.com/?type=nightly&device=tenderloin
* update-cwm_tenderloin-1012.zip : http://goo.im/devs/jcsullins/cmtouchpad/recovery
2. Install UniversalNovacomInstaller, it will be installed in to c:\Program Files\Palm, Inc
3. Place ACMEInstaller3 into same folder as UniversalNovacomInstaller, which is c:\Program Files\Palm, Inc
4. Connect TouchPad to PC, enable USB mass storage mode
5. Make new folder in root of Touchpad storage, folder name "cminstall"
6. Copy files into "cminstall"
* update-cm-9-20121007-NIGHTLY-tenderloin.zip (renamed, name must start with "update-")
* moboot_0.3.5.zip
* update-cwm_tenderloin-1012.zip
* gapps-ics-20120429-signed.zip
7. Reset Device (Setting -> Device Info -> Reset -> Restart)
8. As soon as the screen goes dark, press and hold the volume button, release the button when you see bit USB icon.
9. Wait for computer to install driver
10. Open cmd line, cd into c:\Program Files\Palm, Inc
11. Run ACMEInstaller3, “novacom.exe boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller3″
The whole installation process is very smooth. But I do encountered two problems for this Cm9 installation.
First issue is installation of google apps, ACMEInstaller3 didn't install gapps, so I must boot into ClockworkMod to instll zip from SD card.
Second issue is from Google Play Store, after I added Gmail account, gmail can sync, but when I run Play store, it always gave "Server Error" message. What I did is to run Google Talk and login, run Google Calendar and refesh to sync. After that, magically I was able to connect to play store.
Strange behavior.
Anyway, now I got a nice working (except camera) Android tablet to play with.